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Niue Scott #53-9 hinged

reglackerso-099.7% positive rating
Australia & Oceania
Niue (1974-Now)
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R2594 Niue 2002 Giant Clams IMPERF PAIRS SCARCE! MNH


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Niue 1990-Paintings (24X) [ Michel 757/60 ] MNH ** { Cv 360.00€ MNH **


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Niue 1986-Christmas Paintings (16X)[ Michel 690/93 ] MNH** {Cv 400.00€


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Niue 1987 -Christmas Paintings Block (20X) [ Michel BL112 ] MNH ** {Cv 320.00€


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Niue 1988-Christmas (24X) [ Michel 737/40 ] MNH **{ Cv 264,00€.


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Niue 1987-Christmas [ Michel 719/21 (30 SET) ] MNH **{ Cv 270.00 €


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Niue 1986-Christmas Paintings Block (16X)[ Michel BL107 ] MNH** {Cv 340.00€


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Niue 1990-Football (16X) [ Michel 753/56 ]MNH **{ Cv 288.00€


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Niue 1993-Christmas (16X) [ Michel 836/40 ]MNH ** {CV 272.00€


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Niue 1986-Christmas Paintings Block [ Michel BL 105 ] MNH **{Cv 256.00€


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Niue 1986 -Christmas Paintings (16X) [ Michel 681/84 ] MNH** {Cv 224.00€


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Niue 1992-Christmas Paintings (16X) [ Michel 813/16 ]MNH**{ Cv 160€


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1/2 off $57.00 Scott Value - 1992-93 NIUE Birds definitives Pacific MNH NH UMM


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NIUE 1970-1980s MNH stamps


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Stamps Niue 2017 Mi block184 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never h (10567102


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Stamps Niue 2015 Mi block179 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never h (10567103


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Niue O20-O30 Birds MNH 1993 Complete Set KLC


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Niue 876-81n 881a Coral 2012 MNH Mini Sheet & S/S KLP


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Niue 774-75 Queen Elizabeth 50 th Anniversary Coronation Complete Set SP


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R9155 Niue 2004 butterflies SHEETS MNH


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Niue Stamp Miniature Sheet Set Scott # B8-B11 Never Hinged Unused...


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Niue 1986 Art Return of Halley's Comet Frescoes by De Vecchi MNH Set Sc# 505-508


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Niue B18/B36 Captain Cook, Hurricane Relief, Set/4 Mint NH


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WWII D-DAY Normandy Memorial Allied War Cemetery at St Laurent-Sur-Mer Stamp


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NIUE Christmas 1992 MNH set


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Niue-Scott t#122-131 MNH set of Flowers


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R8949 Niue 1999 art woven baskets PAIRS MNH


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Niue Scott #B8-11 never hinged


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M751 Niue 2000 birds owls parrots 4v. MNH


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Niue 179-88 MNH 1976 Local Individuals Skills & Occupations Full Set of 10


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Niue Stamp Set Scott # 232-234 Never Hinged Unused Lot 2...


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Niue Stamp Set Scott # 232-234 Never Hinged Unused...


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Niue Stamp Set Scott # 214-218 Never Hinged Unused Lot 1...


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Niue Scott #432-6 never hinged


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Niue Stamp Sets Scott # 258-261 & B12-B15 Never Hinged Unused...


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E272 Niue 1999 scenic views 4v. MNH


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Niue 1978 QEII 25th Anniversary of the Coronation set of 6 mini sheet MNH


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Niue #356 (A82) VF MLH - 1982 $2.50 Princess Diana 21st Birthday


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R7409 Niue 1979 art paintings 4v. MNH


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S0565 Niue 1980 art paintings 4v. MNH


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Souvenir Sheet Niue Scott #B8-B11 nh


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Niue #218 (A60) VF MNH - 1978 35c Masked rowers in boat, by John Webber


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Niue 1937 Sc # 70-72 Coronation VLH OG


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Niue #355 (A82) VF MLH - 1982 $1.25 Prince Charles and Diana Wedding


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Niue #354 (A82) VF MLH - 1982 50c Prince Charles


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Niue-Scott #163 - 166 MNH FVF Set4 Captain Cook


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